Archive for September, 2007

PayPerPost Back in Action

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

Around October of last year I started using a blog marketing service called PayPerPost to make a little bit of extra money while I was going to school. In about a month’s time I had earned enough for a Nintendo Wii! Then in November life came at me fast and I ended up taking a job in Arizona. The resulting change in circumstances caused me to put my participation on hold. I had intended to come back to using PayPerPost as soon as things settled down. Well, things never really settled down, so I figured: What the hey! I’m excited this time because I’m going to be able to apply the proceeds to my arcade cabinet in progress! PayPerPost is really great. The other users on PayPerPost, called “posties,” have been great in helping me out every time I’ve had a question. It’s a great community and a great way to help you post to your blog more frequently. What’s not to love? I’m excited to see what sorts of new technologies I can find out about early as a result of my involvement with PayPerPost. If you use PayPerPost I’d love to hear about some of the experiences you’ve had with it.

International Talk Like A Pirate Birthday

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

Shawn the PirateMy boss came in to the office with a little birthday present for me. He’s taking our group at work out to lunch for my birthday. He wants me to wear at least the eye patch when we go out since it’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day.

UPDATE: We went out to the Olive Garden. I wore the eye patch and scared a little girl with a teddy bear while waiting in the lobby. I wore the eye patch up until after we ordered drinks. When the waitress came back and I didn’t have the eye patch on she told me that she thought there was really something wrong with my eye! I felt a little bad for having unintentionally deceived her, but she seemed to think it was all right, and she gave me extra ice cream for dessert. Of course, I was so stuffed after the ravioli, breadsticks, and 2 bowls of Zuppa Toscana that I couldn’t have eaten a regular portion of the chocolate-caramel goodness.

Overall, we didn’t do too well when it came to talking like pirates. I guess there’s always next year!