Archive for March, 2007

An Angel in a White Pickup Truck

Saturday, March 17th, 2007

Krissy found a smokin’ clearance deal on some garage counters and cabinets, and couldn’t pass them up. We bought them without considering how me might get them home. After 15 minutes of deliberation, we finally decided we had better just rent a truck and take them home. After all, the trucks were only $20 for 75 minutes and we only live about two miles away from the home improvement store. I went inside to rent the truck, but they needed proof of insurance, which was back at the car. I was a little miffed when I heard Krissy calling my name. She was running up to tell me that someone in a white truck pulled up next to us in the parking lot and offered to truck our stuff home for us.

When we got to our place, we wanted to do something for him, but he wouldn’t let us. He just told us to pass it forward. I don’t even know what his name was. I am really grateful that there are still people out there willing to do things like that for people. Now I really need to be on the lookout for opportunities to help others.

Palm Woes and Friendly Whoas

Friday, March 16th, 2007

Krissy dropped her well-used Palm Tungsten E PDA on concrete a couple of weeks ago, and the thing hasn’t turned on since. When I told some friends about it one of them said he was looking to sell a Palm Tungsten C which is faster and has a built in keyboard, something I knew Krissy would probably like. I asked him what he was selling it for, but he told me he would think about it and get back to me. I looked it up on eBay and concluded that it was probably worth between $100 and $120. When he brought it to me I asked him how much he had decided on. He wouldn’t take my money, though. He said that the only amounts he was comfortable asking for weren’t worth taking anyway, so I could just have it! I tried to write him a check of $100, but he wasn’t having it. He caught me before I was done writing it and said, “I hope that’s not for me, because if it is, you can just stop right now.”

I took it home to show Krissy. I restored her data from a backup on the computer, and everything looks great! She is excited to have her life back in the palm of her hand.