General Conference Weekend Thrills: Part 2

October 2nd, 2006

This was the first time I’ve been able to watch General Conference live over the Internet. Unfortunately, there isn’t a Linux player available yet for their stream. I had to install Microsoft Internet Explorer and their plugin and run the with Wine. I found a great utility to automate the process. It’s called IEs4Linux. It only cut out a few times and the picture quality was amazing. It also had controls allowing one to pause, fast-forward, and rewind. Really great stuff!

A new Seventy was called, Erich Kopischke. He was the stake president while I was serving in Erlangen in the Nuremberg Stake in Germany. I didn’t know this until I looked him up upon hearing his name in Conference, but he was also the Mission President of the Berlin Mission from 2003 until 2006. That means he was released as a mission president three months before he was sustained as a Seventy.

All in all this Conference has been really good. I can’t think of any one talk that really stuck out more than the others. All of the Apostles’ talks were great!

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