Archive for the 'PPP' Category

New Hand Drier Faster and Cleaner

Friday, October 6th, 2006

I’m sure you’re all familiar with the normal hot air hand driers in restrooms. Now there is a new product produces by a company better known for their industrial vacuum cleaners. They have applied their sucking technology to a hand drier that really blows… but in a good way! Check out the Dyson Airblade hand drier. First of all, they filter the air to remove almost all bacteria. Then they pump it at 400 mph at your hands. It’s twice as fast as conventional hand driers and uses only one-fifth the energy. I would install one in my bathroom at home, but it looks like it’s only available for businesses for use in public restrooms. It looks like it could really take off, though.

VOIP: What is it?

Friday, October 6th, 2006

Not just a sound effect on Teen Girl Squad, VOIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. Internet Protocol, or IP, is the way that information is sent over the Internet. Information is broken into short bursts called packets. These packets can then be sent to the destination through many computers across the world. The way VOIP usually works is by connecting telephones to a box that is connected to the Internet. Since many people already have high-speed Internet connections in their homes the cost of connectivity is usually zero. A regular telephone can then be used to talk at a far-reduced rate by sending the information over the Internet for most of its journey and then only getting on the regular phone lines close to the destination. For more information about VOIP, what it is, how it works, and how it can benefit you click on the VOIP link near the top of this paragraph.

I haven’t used any of the pay services yet, but I have used Skype which is similar, but is free. The free version of Skype isn’t as convenient as paid services, however.

Free Tickets to the DigitalLife Expo

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006

DigitalLife is an amazing show featuring consumer electronics from companies including Nvidia, ATI, AMD, Intel, Logitech, and many many more. Experience the latest video games and the newest ways to enjoy technology. Check out Nelson Gonzalez of Alienware talking about the future of computer technology and the “better than real” immersive worlds that are just now becoming possible on the high end computer systems. To get in free just go to the ticketing page and enter the promo code INSIDER in the box provided on the page.

I would really like to be able to attend this show. I am almost as far away as you can be from New York and still be in the United States, though. If you get to go I’d love to hear about it. Leave any experiences you may have in the comments.

Puzzle Piece #47

Monday, October 2nd, 2006

Congratulations! You have found a piece of the puzzle! This is part of a promotional contest. There will be a $1000 award for the first to complete this puzzle and find out the payperpostbignews contained within. Good luck to you! If you win and you found this puzzle piece on my site as part of your search please let me know by emailing me or replying to this post. Remember that the most important thing is that you have fun!

This puzzle was created by a company that lets people make money blogging.

List’d: eBay Listing Simplified

Monday, October 2nd, 2006

I can’t remember how many people I’ve helped out over the years to list things on eBay. Many of these people will only list very rarely or even just one time. I have always wanted to give these people an easier way to create high-quality listings without needing to learn HTML. Now I have found an eBay listing tool that is perfect for them. It’s called List’d and it includes templates that make listings actually look good. It has free image hosting so you have an all-in-one place to put together every part of a good eBay listing. This is great for beginning users and college students who just want to get their stuff sold fast. It will even help you select an ending date for your auction to get the highest price for your stuff. Technologies like this one are making the powerful tools on the Internet accessible to everyone.