GameStop and EB Games to take Wii Pre-Orders Tomorrow
October 12th, 2006From their website:
GameStop and EB Games stores will begin accepting limited pre-orders for the Nintendo Wii console on Friday, October 13, on a first come, first served basis. Due to extremely limited supply, we expect to reach our limit very quickly, most likely in minutes.
Incidentally, I have been asking about when this would happen since the beginning of this week. Last night I popped into EB Games in the mall and they said it wouldn’t happen until next week, but they then quickly added “but check back every day between now and then.” I casually asked how many systems they thought they would be getting and all the workers there got defensive and said it was against their policy to answer such questions. I’m interested to see how many people go for this pre-order. I’ll be at the local EB Games tomorrow at around 9:15 tomorrow morning. We’ll see if there are any other freaks there like me who are going to take the bait. I wonder if they will open early. They don’t normally open until 10am, I believe. I’ll bring a list of 12 local stores and their phone numbers so I can call around if the one closest to me is already out when I get there.
October 12th, 2006 at 2:39 pm
Friday the 13th? Its October Shawn, be careful…
October 12th, 2006 at 3:00 pm
Thanks for the warning. I had forgotten that it was Friday the 13th. Well, let’s hope it’s a lucky one! I have never been able to understand how come almost everything that people say brings bad luck always seems to have some superstitions that also say it is good luck. Oh well… Wii, here Wii come!
October 13th, 2006 at 10:41 am
Ryan B told me he is pre-ordering a Wii as well.