Free Flower Views (GCNF0Q)
Saturday, April 8th, 2006There are these amazing flower fields in Carlsbad where, for $8.00, one can take a stroll and see them up close. If you’re broke like us, then you can go on a street just east of the flower fields and see them for free from nice lookout points.
This was the first cache that Krissy and I found together on our first try! She’s starting to like this so much that she requested we go today after she got off work. This cache was hidden just off of the sidewalk under a rock. There were tons of muggles around, so we followed the advice given by kawikaturn and pretended we were tying our shoes as we searched. The flowers were so pretty that we hung out for a while.
I left a token my Grandfather gave me for a “free gallon.” I still am not sure what liquid it was redeemable for, though. He gave me all sorts of random worthless tokens to hide in caches. He found them while searching for other things with his metal detector.